Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2011

Sleepy days and sleepless nights...

I'm a pro at driving myself crazy.

Around 9:00pm every evening, I hit rock-bottom. I get really exhausted, and all I'd like to do is go to bed.

But then I think, "No way! If I go to bed now, I'll be awake by 5:00am, and really, who would want that?" So I look for something to occupy myself until bedtime. The occupation has a tendency to be internet-related (catching up on my favorite blogs, facebooking, researching any current symptoms I have to figure out what deadly disease I've contracted, etc.)

And then, BAM!! It's midnight, and I'm still in the middle of an article on Cracked, but I ought to be in bed at this exact moment in time if I want to function in the morning, but I still have to go through my nighttime rituals like personal hygiene and reading in my bedtime book and updating my facebook status one more time!! And I know that by the time I'm actually in bed and turn out the light, it will be well past 1:00am!

And this happens every single night. And every morning, I get up at 7:00am like a freaking soldier, because damn, I'm not going to lose gym-time in the morning because I was an idiot the night before. And every morning, I tell myself that I'm going to go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight, so I'm not tired the next day. And every night, my plans fail miserably.

So, now that it is 12:36 in the morning, I wish you a good night.

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