Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011

It's that time of year again!

I have the impression that "that time" is more than annual, though.

Every once and a while things get out of hand at school. This time around, it's due to the fact that all of my graded presentations and multiple super-important exams are within two weeks of each other. Oh, and one of my friends is visiting from the states, which will also eat up a bit of prep-time.

So I'm riding an emotional rollercoaster of soaring optimism and crippling panic attacks. Right this moment, I'm feeling pretty good, but I'm sure in about an hour I'll be practicing breathing techniques while sobbing in a dark corner with a teddybear.

I suppose instead of blogging (and/or sobbing), I should go study.

[Insert funny comic relating to studying here]

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