In case you don't see my Nike+ posts on facebook, I have started running again recently. A year ago, I signed up for a 5k, and haven't stopped running since. A few months ago, I decided to up the ante and signed up for a 12k in November and a half-marathon in April.
Unfortunately, things aren't working out for me so great right now. My body totally rocked my first 10k training run, and I was able to keep it up for a couple of weeks. Then I started getting knee pain-- the same pain I got as a teenager after I joined the track team. Back then I was diagnosed with patella femoral syndrome (aka Runner's Knee), wore a knee brace while running and got physical therapy. It all seemed to help, but then again, that's about the same time I stopped running regularly, which could explain the relieved pain as well.
Coincidentally, around the same time I started getting knee pain again, my chronic ankle pain returned. Some research online pointed towards overpronation. My feet are arched when they're not bearing weight, but as soon as I stand, the arch flattens out. This leads to a funny gait, where my my feet collapse inward and put pressure on my joints in weird ways. The pain in my ankle corroborated this theory, since I only experience pain when I pronate my foot.
So I thought "ok, I just need some decent insoles to rotate my foot into the proper position". That's what all the websites said.
Well, I went running today with my new €35 insoles and made it 1k before I had to stop. The pain on the outer edges of my feet was so intense at first, I wasn't even sure if I was going to be able to walk home.
I returned to Dr. Google and did some more research. Some websites say you should spend a week walking around with new insoles before using them for sports. Other websites say "SEE. THEY'RE BAD" and claim insoles should never ever hurt your feet and if they do you should ditch them. I'm kind of leaning towards the "getting used to them" avenue right now, if for no other reason than that I paid a lot for the new insoles and I wish so much for them to work. I guess it makes sense that my feet should hurt a bit when I suddenly change how they're bearing weight. If I were to start walking on my knuckles, it would hurt at first, too, but I'd probably get used to it.
My plan for now is to put the inserts in my old running shoes and wear them everyday to run errands. Next week I'll then go for a short 1-2k jog and see if they pain returns. Cross your fingers for me!
Ouch. At least you only spent 35 Euros for the inserts. I won't tell you what I spent at "The Good Feet Store" trying to relieve (unsuccessfully) my foot pain. I think insoles are like a lot of other things... they work for some people, but not everyone. I hope you find some combination of "cures" that help you keep running.