Dienstag, 21. Juni 2011

Doctor, Doctor!!

Soooooo... there are no doctors anywhere near my apartment. At least none that are useful. There are urologists and dermatologists and homeopaths (is that even the right word?), but no normal, everyday doctors. Which really sucks when you have a medical emergency that's not so bad that you have to go to the emergency room.

This morning I woke up around 8:30, prepared breakfast, and then sat down at my computer to read my e-mails like I do every morning. I began to feel a little confused and had difficulty comprehending what I was reading, but didn't really think much of it. It's morning, what else do I expect?

Then I started to get a pins-and-needles sensation in the tips of my fingers on my right hand. The feeling spread slowly but surely through my hand, and by the time it reached the middle of my forearm, I was freaking out. My roommate was a doll and started researching doctors online for me. By the time she was finished, the pins-and-needles had spread to my lips and (get this!) gums on the right side of my face. I tried calling these doctors (one number was no longer connected and the other doctor turned out to be a urologist) and then the pins-and-needles subsided, and I felt fine again.

Still shaken by what I had just experienced, I started developing a blind spot in my right eye. The same blind spot I had several years ago the first time I had a migraine with aura. So, with one eye covered (it's surprisingly hard to read when one eye is pretending it can see, but actually can't), I went to wikipedia and found this:

"The somatosensory aura of migraine may consist of digitolingual or cheiro-oral paresthesias, a feeling of pins-and-needles experienced in the hand and arm as well as in the nose-mouth area on the same side. The paresthesia may migrate up the arm and then extend to involve the face, lips and tongue."

I was at first overjoyed to know I wasn't dying. Unfortunately, it also meant that within an hour, I was going to be bedridden.

Thank goodness for Sumatriptans.

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