Freitag, 4. März 2011

I forgot my password.

How embarassing. I started a blog nearly a year ago, and have written three entries. I wanted to write a new entry recently when it occurred to me: "oh, I don't know my password." In fact, I only ever knew my password the very first time I logged in, because I let internet explorer save my password for me. Well, that's all grand and good until your computer dies and you need to buy a new one. Unfortunately, your passwords aren't already saved on your new computer when you get it. Funny thing about that.

And so, I've had to move my blog to a new account. And while I was at it, I went ahead and changed the name, look, and basic premise of the blog. This new blog will contain everything the old one did ("projects") but also blurbs about life as an American in Germany, and whatever else floats my boat.

So if you're interested in seeing my old blog, here it is.

The name of my blog comes from this song, which is currently played on the radio here over and over and over again. But I like it. :)

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